Timothy Biel, M.S., P.E.
Mr. Biel brings over 20 years of experience in quality control and assurance, and training and education in materials quality related fields. He has held the positions of Region and State Materials Engineers for UDOT. Mr. Biel has over 10 years of direct experience with QC/QA concepts on Design Build projects, including functioning as IA manager for the original I-15 Design-Build project in Salt Lake County and Quality Control Manager for the I-15 HOT Lanes project in Davis County. Additionally, Mr. Biel was significantly involved in the materials testing and inspection of materials for the SR-77 Interchange, the 14400 South/I-15 Interchange, 12300 South at I-15, the original Legacy Highway project and dozens of traditional projects for UDOT. As a UDOT employee, Mr. Biel oversaw the Quality Assurance program, including implementation and enforcement, provided multiple training sessions for consultants on Federal Project Documentation requirements
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Utah, 1997
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, 1990
State of Utah P.E. #320546
State of Wyoming P.E. #13034
State of Nevada P.E. #21269
AAS Business Management, UTC 1978
BS Civil Engineering, University of Utah, 1994
State of Utah P.E. #191082
Michael is currently a project manager for CME Transportation Group. Mike brings 6 years of experience in construction inspection and testing, and is responsible for all field inspection and testing activities for the company. Through various projects, Mike has experience in dealing with both acceptance and quality control activities on small and large projects, along with the follow up required to address deficiencies. Mike’s experience on the I-15 HOT Lanes project included organization and management of the testing program, and then dealing directly with the contractor to identify corrective actions and changes to practice.
For the last several years, Mike has been managing the laboratory and field testing portions of the Cold-in-Place Recycled Asphalt research project for UDOT, including planning of the sampling and testing program and evaluation of the results for use in future research directions.
Mike is also involved in the implementation of the new UDOT HMA Quality Management Plan for Hot Mix Asphalt plants that deals with the certification of plants based on their production and documentation practices related to hydrated lime introduction.
ACI Grade 1
UDOT CEMT and Partnering
UDOT IQP Level 1
ICC: Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector
ICC: Structural Masonry Inspector
PCI Quality Control Level II